GCS Credit Union Employees Donate Over $700 to Local Diaper Bank
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                                  American 1 Credit Union Donates Over $10,000 to The Salvation Army
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                                  Dedicated to sharing the positive impact credit unions have on people and their communities.
                                  TVFCU Helps New Parents Save
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                                  Hanscom FCU Charitable Foundation Donates $10,000 to USO New England
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                                  Dedicated to sharing the positive impact credit unions have on people and their communities.
                                  Firefly Credit Union Donates Supplies to Local Organizations
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                                  Dedicated to sharing the positive impact credit unions have on people and their communities.


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                                  Credit unions make a positive difference in the lives of our members and the communities where they live - CU Social Good is capturing that impact. The social impact assessment tools on this site allow individual credit unions and leagues to share their stories with real data not only from one individual credit union, but from their legislative districts and their states. More importantly, it collectively builds market awareness of how credit unions and leagues are extending their value and reach in the communities and regions they serve.

                                  CU Social Good is a marketplace of ideas and resources where credit unions and leagues can share success stories (and brag just a little bit) across multiple social media platforms. After all, if we don't tell our story, who will? 

                                  We welcome and encourage you to contribute stories about your credit union, to comment on stories, and to engage in discussion about how credit unions can and do help people and their communities. Please sign up and create your credit union profile today.